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How To Unclog Your Vacuum Hose? (Step by Step Guide)

Published by: Katherine Frame

How To Unclog Your Vacuum Hose

If your vacuum cleaner has lost its suction, it’s possible that something has become trapped in the hose and is stopping it from operating properly.

If you are suspecting any kind of clog, this is the time to unclog your vacuum hose. Once you will get rid of it for good, your vacuum cleaner will start working again at its fullest potential. 

How would I know if my Vacuum Hose has been Clogged?

To know if the hose of your vacuum cleaner is clogged, the following are the basic ways. 

  1. The vacuum cleaner doesn’t suck up as much waste as it previously used to. 
  2. The issue continues to exist even after you have attempted to clean or perhaps change the filter as well as the vacuum bag. 
  3. The vacuum attachment doesn’t feature any suction. A clog exists in the vacuum cleaner’s suction port. 

How to Unclog your Vacuum Hose?

Method 1: Remove and Clean the Hose

  1. Remove the hose from your vacuum cleaner. You will be able to see an outer hose that will attach the roller at the machine’s bottom to the cleaner’s bag. Remove one edge of your hose from the machine’s base and the other edge from the prime surface.
  2. Before taking the hose out of the vacuum, make sure to unscrew it if it is screwed on.
  3. Once you’ve removed the hose, place it on any flat surface near you. 
  4. To prevent any kind of electric shocks, remember to unplug the vacuum cleaner before you conduct any maintenance operations on it. 
  5. Using any household broomstick, remove any big clogs from the hose. Take the stick’s one end and insert it inside your vacuum’s hose. Slowly insert the broomstick to avoid unnecessary damaging or puncturing of your hose on accident. The broomstick can push a big clog out of your vacuum’s hose through the other side if there is any. 
  6. Keep the hose up to a certain amount of light in case it happens to be translucent. This will help you to easily see through it and locate where exactly the clog is. If that doesn’t work, you can try to peek through the hose’s end. In case you don’t find a clog, the problem may be in the vacuum’s bottom hose.
  7. Note that you should not use any sharp object like a closet hanger as it may impact the suction power of the vacuum cleaner when pushed through the hose. 
  8. Get rid of any accumulated matter inside the hose with the help of vinegar and baking soda. Place your hose in the sink and fill it with half a cup or 115 grams of baking soda. You can give a good shake to the hose to properly coat the interior of the hose with baking soda.
  9. After that, gradually pour half a cup or 120 mL of vinegar (white) into the vacuum’s hose. Allow both the baking soda as well as vinegar to bubble for a couple of minutes within the hose to break up any buildup inside it. 
  10. In case you can’t find baking soda or vinegar at home, you can use hot water and any powdered detergent that you use for laundry instead.
  11. Use hot water to thoroughly clean the vacuum’s hose now. Set your sink to its highest level of temperature you can stand. Wash out the hose with water to remove any remaining baking soda or vinegar. Just ensure that the water is poured onto both ends of your vacuum’s hose to confirm that it is absolutely clean. 
  12. If you are not able to direct the sink into your vacuum’s hose, you can try to soak it in a sink filled with water.
  13. Before you reattach the hose, make sure that you let it dry fully. Place this hose over the sink’s edge or in a location where both ends of the hose point to the ground. Allow at least 60 minutes for it to dry. Place it back in your vacuum cleaner once it has fully dried. 

Finally, to avoid accidentally electrically shocking yourself, make sure that you don’t attach the hose to the vacuum when it’s still damp.

Method 2: Pull out a Clog in the Bottom Hose

  1. Disconnect the vacuum’s primary hose. This primary hose attaches somewhere near the roller’s base and the vacuum’s main body. To get access to the bottom hose, you can either remove or unscrew it from all the spots. 
  2. Before you begin working on your vacuum, make sure it is unplugged.
  3. Remove the bottom hose from the body of the vacuum cleaner by unscrewing it. The bottom hose attaches to the vacuum’s base and is typically the spot where the primary hose connects to the vacuum. Using a screwdriver, find the screw that holds the bottom hose in its position. Place the screw somewhere safe so you don’t misplace it. 
  4. Instead of being screwed, many bottom hoses can be clipped onto the machine. If this is the case, remove the bottom hose from this clip.
  5. Using a needle-nose set of pliers, pull the clog and take it out. Take a pair of these pliers and insert them into the bottom hose’s end. To obtain a nice grip on the clog, pinch it using the pliers once you sense it. Grab the clog from the hose and remove it. 
  6. If you will peek inside the bottom hose, you must easily be able to find the existing clog. If you are not able to see it, it is possible that the bottom hose is not the one that is clogged, and the vacuum’s roller may be the malfunctioning one.
  7. Reconnect the vacuum’s hoses back to the machine. Put back the screw inside the hole and the bottom hose must be held against the cleaner’s body. Attach the hose back with the help of your screwdriver so it isn’t able to roll out any longer. 

After this, to keep the main hose in its place, attach it properly too. Switch on the vacuum cleaner and check its suction to find if it starts working again.

You can also watch this video to see how you can unclog your vacuum hose…


Although vacuum cleaners may appear all tough and intimidating on the outside, they are just as delicate and sensitive on the inside just like other electronic devices in your home. 

Therefore, you must take proper care of your vacuum cleaner regularly if you wish to maintain them for a long time. We hope this article has taught you well how to unclog your vacuum cleaner hose.

You can also read our guides on how to fix a vacuum brush roller and repair a vacuum power cord.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What if my vacuum still doesn’t work?

In case your vacuum cleaner still doesn’t display any suction power or less suction power even after cleaning the vacuum hoses, you will be required to rather clean the vacuum cleaner’s roller. In case you are unable to suspect the issue, it may be a good idea to take your machine for service.

How can I keep my vacuum cleaner from becoming clogged?

You can prevent clogs in your vacuum cleaner by using either a completely vacant bag or a canister to vacuum or by not using the vacuum cleaner to pick up something big, wet, or too tiny. Large objects will result in clogging the cleaner and wet matter will nearly sabotage the machine altogether.

What is the cause of the vacuum’s extremely hot air and smoke?

Please discontinue using your vacuum cleaner right away! This indicates that your vacuum cleaner has been overheating all this while and in the worst-case scenario, it is likely to catch fire. The other possibility is that the vacuum’s motor has been exhausted. In case of a fire, dial the energy number right away and get to protection. If the vacuum’s motor has exhausted, it’s time to take it out and replace it.

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Article by:

Katherine Frame

Katherine Frame is a professional writer and reviewer who worked in higher education for eight years before working on The Hardware Hub. She has written for multiple home magazines and blogs.

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