How do I know if my HEPA vacuum filter is dirty? The best way to check is to weigh it.
Simply grab a scale and weigh the filter while it’s dry. You can also measure the area of the filter with a measuring tape or ruler, but weighing it is more accurate.
Here’s a complete guide for you on this topic…
How does HEPA filter in the vacuum cleaner work?
HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are efficient at sucking small particles, down to 0.3 microns in size, out of the air. Did you know the filter itself is made from fiberglass fibers that are randomly designed to trap both big and small particles?
HEPA vacuums can trap even the tiniest particles, as the air is forced through a fine mesh along with any particles clinging to the fibres in the filter.
How often Should you Change the HEPA Filter of your Vacuum Cleaner?
Do you have commercial vacuums? HEPA Filters in commercial vacuum cleaners must be checked two times a week for any issues. That’s because commercial HEPA filters are utilized constantly regularly in a business.
Further, commercial settings that use a vacuum system must change their filter two times a year to guarantee continued performance.
What about those with residential vacuums? HEPA filters in residential settings are more likely to last longer than in commercial ones. That’s because there’s unlikely to be much dust gathered in a single year. Residential HEPA filters are created to be changed at least a year in three years for optimum filtration.
As you can tell, HEPA filters can go a long way to safeguarding the air quality indoors. Unluckily, HEPA filters aren’t foolproof and need replacement over time, ensuring your vacuum runs at its best performance.
In addition, replacing the HEPA filter is somewhat practical and beneficial in many different ways. First, it enables your vacuum to clean your home to the highest filtration possible, cleaning the air inside your home. What’s more, the efficient filter is essential to the health of your family and employees.
Finally, replacing your HEPA filter as required can help lengthen your vacuum’s longevity and making sure it runs at an optimum level.
However, since these filters are designed to last for a long time, it can be easy to ignore them and when you must change them.
How do you Know if you Need to Change your HEPA Filter?
There are no specified rules for determining when to change HEPA filters. However, you will find signs you should look out for that will point to the need to change your filter.
Some of these signs are the following:
1. Allergy flare-ups
Remember that allergy flare-ups among folks in the household are signs that you must consider changing your HEPA filter. Allergic people are more likely to be allergic or sensitive to poor air quality and can appreciate their air filter being changed right away.
Hence, do you notice people sniffing or sneezing around you more often? It’s a great idea to have your vacuum’s HEPA filter changed.
2. Strange functioning
Do you observe that the heating or air conditioning functions take a long time to turn on? If yes, you may need to change the filter promptly. Typically, you’ll hear a whirring noise after you power it up.
Does it take a while for the heat or air to come through? That could indicate the system is dirty or clogged, limiting fresh air from coming into your home. Moreover, watch out if your vacuum isn’t sucking up much air as it used to.
Check if the vacuum is making louder sounds than usual. That could indicate the HEPA filters should be changed right away.
3. Heavy soiling
Remember that a heavy-soiled filter is an apparent reason that your filter must be changed. Soiled HEPA filters don’t offer enough protection against dangerous airborne contaminants.
4. A mouldy smell
That is another indication there’s a big issue with your HEPA filter. Many individuals are more likely to observe an odour when running their vacuum cleaner. In such cases, change your filter right away since that’s the primary cause of the smell.
Final Thoughts
Replacing the HEPA filter of your vacuum is essential, especially if you’re using your vacuum regularly.
Whether you or your family member suffer from allergies or asthma, or you simply like to rid your space of air pollutants and small particulate, then getting a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter is an excellent investment.
Nonetheless, keep in mind that you need to ensure the filter is working at its optimum capacity. After some time, you’ll need to change it altogether to make sure your property will have a cleaner and safer air to breathe.