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Why Should You Service Your Vacuum Cleaner Regularly?

Published by: Katherine Frame

Why Should You Service Your Vacuum Cleaner Regularly

Since buying a new vacuum cleaner costs quite a lot of money these days and new vacuum cleaners also have a short warranty period of 12 months, taking them for regular servicing can help them keep functioning their life span and prevent them from failure. 

Usually, the vacuum cleaner retailers provide in-house servicing facilities. The charges for services are not very high and will reduce the chance of major repairs to the machine. Instead of neglecting the importance of servicing, it is essential to get it done quickly.

In this post, we will discuss why your should service your vacuum cleaner regularly and how you can get it done. Let’s get started!

Checking For Basic Maintenance 

One of the everyday things to do for maintenance is to replace the bag regularly. Keeping the vacuum cleaner in its best condition, you should replace the pack when it is more than half full. 

It is also essential that the bag is correctly attached to the nozzle. If it is not connected correctly, the dust can enter the machine and damage the cleaner. It’s essential to clean the brush roll because some things get wrapped around it and prevent the motor from spinning.

The belt should also be tight; otherwise, you should replace it. It usually is replaced every six months to one year. 

Checking for Electrical and Mechanical Safety

It is essential to ensure that vacuum cleaners are only used on dry surfaces. It would help if you did not use them on water spilled or wet surfaces to prevent internal machine damage. It is also vital to avoid tripping over a cord while using the vacuum cleaner. 

It is recommended to keep your vacuum cleaner away from flammable materials while using it. Please do not pick up large metal objects since they can damage your device’s motor fan. Also, sharp objects can damage the internal machinery. 

It would be best to use extension cords compatible with the vacuum cleaner; otherwise, mechanical or electrical accidents can occur.

Why you Should Service your Vacuum Cleaner?

With frequent use and application, your vacuum cleaner will start showing the effects of its age. Therefore to avoid this, servicing by a professional service center is essential. 

Since a vacuum cleaner is an essential component in your household cleaning, it may malfunction and break down. To prevent it from complete damage and save money, purchasing a new one is vital to get it serviced. The device may malfunction at regular intervals. 

Another factor is how much time it takes to repair the vacuum cleaner. Since it is an important cleaning appliance, the repair center should not take more time to get it serviced. 

Choosing the right servicing center for your appliance is also essential to ensure its longevity. An expert service center specializing in vacuum cleaner service and maintenance has technicians who have firsthand knowledge and experience to carry out an efficient repair of your machine so that it works smoothly again. 

That apart, the new accessories provided by them should be of good quality and well detailed to improve the appliance’s performance.

Drawbacks of Irregular Servicing 

Irregular or improper servicing or maintenance of your vacuum cleaner can lead to several usage problems. The device could break down or be damaged permanently if servicing is not done correctly.

There is also a risk involved in irregular servicing as it affects the continuity and functioning of the appliance in the long run. 

  • Loss of suction — Irregular servicing can cause loss of suction where your appliance would no longer pull dirt into it.
  • Broken belt — If the belt is broken, it is advised to get it replaced; otherwise, the motor may get damaged.
  • The brush may stop spinning — Broken belts also lead the brush to stop spinning, which would be difficult to fix without regular servicing.

Finding Vacuum Cleaner Servicing 

Your vacuum cleaner must get serviced efficiently and adequately so that the appliance works out fine when used after service. 

It is recommended that you should always seek service centers with expert technicians for your vacuum cleaner servicing. Suppose you have a vacuum cleaner from a particular brand. It is advisable to reach out to the brand servicing center as their experts know how to repair your vacuum cleaner. 

Every renowned vacuum cleaner brand provides a specialized service for its appliance. You can search about your particular brand and contact its service centers.


Vacuum cleaning services are not just essential to extend the life of the vacuum cleaners, but it’s also an ideal way to save money. It improves longevity and optimum performance.

However, it’s best to hire a professional to clean your vacuum cleaner at home. Experienced engineers have excellent knowledge and experience in maintaining your cleaning gadget regularly. 

Reasons can vary to hire professional engineers to clean the vacuum cleaner, such as breaking the belt, dusting problems, sound issues, and much more. Hiring an experienced services provider can eventually resolve the problem and make your cleaning hassle-free. 


What Should Be The Interval Between Consecutive Servicing Of A Vacuum Cleaner?

It is advised to call a professional vacuum cleaner whenever you face cleaning difficulties in the device. You can also clean it by yourself regularly after cleaning your home.

How Long Would A Vacuum Cleaner Last?

The lifecycle of a vacuum cleaner depends upon its brand and build quality. On average it can last for 5-8 years and can be further extended by performing tips.

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Article by:

Katherine Frame

Katherine Frame is a professional writer and reviewer who worked in higher education for eight years before working on The Hardware Hub. She has written for multiple home magazines and blogs.

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